Dear parents, welcome to The Fashion Hero Kids, an online contest that empowers kids to be who they are and gives them a chance to be a part of The Fashion Hero TV series, an international television series challenging the standards of the fashion and beauty industry.

The online contest, hosted by singer and TikTok sensation, Jordyn Sugar, is your kids’ chance to be on TV and make a difference. That’s right, your kid will be on TV all across the world!

Registration and voting to be a part of season 3 is open now!

How the contest works: Once your kids’ profile is complete, it’s important to share it with everyone you know, friends and family, and ask them to vote. The more votes you receive, the better your chances are of winning.

Kids are competing to win a monthly spot. Each month, 10 monthly spots are open. 5 boys and 5 girls have the opportunity to win one. Every month the contest resets and so does your chance to secure a spot as one of the 10 monthly winners.

Once your kid has won a monthly spot, they are automatically sent to the final round of voting (Monthly Winners), where they will wait to compete with the other monthly winners. Date for final voting round to be announced as we confirm details for The Fashion Hero TV Series season 3.

When the final round of voting begins, parents are encouraged to once again share their kids’ profile with everyone they know and accumulate as many votes as possible. In the end, only 1 boy and 1 girl will win it all and become the faces of The Fashion Hero Kids.

What will they win? The one boy and one girl will win a trip to the filming of The Fashion Hero TV Series, where they will appear in one episode for season 3.

We want kids from all different backgrounds, shapes, sizes and cultures to know they are accepted and seen for simply being themselves. Kids shouldn’t have to struggle to fit in or wonder where they belong, they should be able to be who they are and be proud of it! So parents, click the “become a contestant” button and register your kid for this amazing contest!

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