16 years old
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About me!

Hi guys! I’m Gabriel, I’m 12, turning thirteen right when this contest is launching!! Yeah!! New world, new ME! New Reality. I’m just starting high school in a multimedia program and I’m excited to get started on that, as one of my wishes and dream is to be an Influencer on different Media and Youtuber so this is how I Will learn all the goodies. Also, I have a real big passion that is COOKING. I’m in love with food and I love mixing and matching different spices and tastes! My mom is just NOT allowed in the kitchen any more!! Haha. Joke! She can cook... some!!! Interesting fact: at the age of 11, after one of my mom’s delicious bison burger diner, I fell in love with that animal meat and I started a whole 4 pages business plan for my own food truck Bison burger sale! We made one contract in the 1st 10 days, 75 mini burgers and special homemade sauces! My mom was awesome about it. With a friend's help, we cleaned all of her trailer, made it super shiny, and food friendly and legal with the MAPAC organisation (my mom is certified) she bought only 100 $ worth of starting stuff and sold it!! My kitchen was born. With my town Covid’s restriction the next month we were pausing that project, but it is still in my mind! I love the rush when people come up to my counter to get served and I get super FOCUS, no need for Meds and just BE MYSELF feels super nice.

Why I’d make a great Fashion Hero Kid!

I would like to be a fashion hero Kid because I believe in myself being beneficial to others' lives and contributing to this world. I love laughing and smiling and being confident. These days it’s not always easy for people and youth around me to be seen and be themselves. I see many parents also controlling so much and being so busy that the kids are just not Happy and that makes me feel different. Then again, I have a model showing me to stay happy. And I want to be That model for youth my age.

My message for kids around the world

I’d like to share to this world, youth and older people, that you can be just YOU and be free of your opinion and Walk head high into this world no matter where you are from, what is your situation that you are in. The freedom and happiness are in YOUR soul and mind. You can be the start of YOUR life and stay yourself naturally. If you have a dream, put all the effort into it and stay focused, plan it, execute it, step back if needed and go more organise on it. PS: If you follow a dream and you are on your path, It goes with more flow in this life. Look at my Kitchen story ;) KEEP trying and moving forward, keep the hopes high!!! This Covid stop to my kitchen is just TEMPORARY, because everything changes. Can’t wait to serve burgers again ! See you OUT there!!!

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